12 Smartphone Gadgets you might not believe Existed.

12 Smartphone Gadgets you might not believe Existed.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “12 Smartphone Gadgets you might not believe Existed.”.
First things: first, this is the Mucha touchpad and you might be thinking. I’Ve already got one touchscreen on my smartphone. Why do I need another? Well, it’s not there for the front of your smartphone to install it. You just press it into the back of your phone and it’s got about twenty sticky pads that hold it in place and it’s a weird experience, because it opens up a world of input that you’ve probably never had before. In a way, it feels like you’re able to reach, through the back of your smartphone, to touch the front of your screen. Next up a product with the slogan say goodbye to Oh, No say hello to oh yo, because this is the o yo and it stops. You dropping your smart phone. There are three main parts to this: contraption you’ve got these central housing which sticks onto the back of your smartphone using 3m tape. It’S got a solid fit and this housing contains the extendable string that connects to a wristband and it’s all, elasticated and very flexible.

12 Smartphone Gadgets you might not believe Existed.

So it doesn’t feel like you’re tied down to your phone or you’ve got no range of movement, but it does very convincingly protect it from drops. It’S also a ring which you can attach instead of the band for a slightly different, feel. It’S quite tough to concisely. Describe this next product, it’s on one hand a Bluetooth speaker whilst being a centerpiece for your room and at the same time a collapsible robot.

12 Smartphone Gadgets you might not believe Existed.

There’S a lot going on here. But my first impression is just that: it’s really high quality and also really heavy the attention to detail is above what I was expecting and, to be honest, I’ve never seen a speaker that looks like this. When you turn the lighting on you’ll realize they’ve packed LEDs into pretty much every corner and crevice they can and the legs at the bottom they fold in and they fold out. As a speaker, it sounds good.

12 Smartphone Gadgets you might not believe Existed.

It sounds a lot better than I thought it would given the size of it. But then again you are limited by that size. Larger speakers sound more spacious. It’S got a 20 watt power, so not the loudest, not the most powerful speaker, but it’s little visual flourishes that I think sell the product.

The crack light is something I instantly fell in love with, in fact, within minutes of finishing with it. For this video I put it into my everyday carry bag. It is a seriously slim but at the same time seriously powerful, LED lamp and it’s continuous lighting. So it’s a great thing for photographers and videographers and doesn’t need a battery of its own.

It just plugs into your phone, a new kind of screen cleaning tool, or at least one that I’ve never seen before. You’Ve got this pretty high quality leatherette finish on one side, with a handle for your hand, and then a really plush felt like finish on the inside, does a really good job and it’s comfortable to use, and you can reuse these for quite a long time. I imagine before they get dirty the Vox sauce. I think I’m saying that right is a pair of sunglasses with bone conduction technology.

So on the surface they look like a pretty standard pair of sunglasses, albeit slightly thicker, but I like the way they look. I, like the matte black finish on the frames and I like the coloring of the lenses. Now you might have seen a few audio products already with that burn conduction label, the idea being that the sound reaches you through physical contact. So at these pads you see here they connect directly to your head, and you hear the sound through the bones in your skull which later ears open to hearing other, and let’s face it potentially more important things.

I decided that I liked this product pretty early on. It is a tiny, fairly inexpensive, but ultimately massively convenient smartphone speaker. It connects directly into the headphone jack, which means there’s no dangling around on a cable and also there are zero Wireless pairing issues, so providing you’ve got the jack and you’ve got speakers that just need that little bit more on then this should handle that you can Expect more bass, more detail and a little bit more volume, there’s also the surprise benefit of being able to re and all the speaker. If you want to face it towards someone else, the Sennheiser momentum, crew Wireless – have been my go-to earphones for about four weeks now and I’d say I really like them, but I don’t love them.

You get this beautifully designed case, really weighty, really high-quality, and it constantly keeps the earbuds charged and they’re comfortable. They noise isolate and they sound fantastic. But my only gripe is the finicky buttons see these pads are actually touch controls and the way you adjust volume and play and pause is by tapping them, but it feels awkward and all the time it doesn’t work as I’d like it to cheap and cheerful. Are the words I’d use here these frankly adorable little animals are what I describe as cable huggers, you wire your cable through them, so that they’re resting over the cables neck, which is famously prone to breaking, say, for example, on the iPhone cable they’re shaped to fit Around your smartphone, but you’ve got a bear in mind that if you have a thick bulky case on then it’s gon na cause a bit of an interruption right of all the products in this article. This was probably the one. I was most curious to try a smartphone case that supposedly has six high quality glass camera lenses built into it. That’S crazy talk initial impressions are that it’s really well thought out. The lenses are on a rail and they snap into place at each stop. So whatever lens you want to use will perfectly line up with your phone’s camera and, to be honest, considering that the case isn’t really that expensive.

I can’t complain about the quality of the lenses they’re pretty good. You do get some distortion, but you can create a lot of effects that you wouldn’t be able to. Otherwise the macro – and the super macro in particular, are real highlights the glow by company Kasper immediately became my new favorite bedside lamp. It’S controllable by a smartphone. You can set it to slowly get brighter as you wake up in the morning, but that’s not the cool bit.

What I really like about it are three things you can flip it to turn it on and turn it off. You can rotate it to adjust the brightness and also it’s got a battery internally. So if you wanted to pick it up and take it down to grab a snack, you can do that for those of you who play a lot of games like pub G on your smartphone, you’ve, probably heard of the smartphone joystick this product right here is one Of the best iterations I’ve seen off that one reason, as well as the joystick you’ve got this buckle on the bottom and it’s designed so that you can slip it over almost any size, smartphone and tighten that buckle to press the joystick against the screen. And this pressure, unlike other joysticks I’ve tried, gives you some responsiveness. It means that the joystick is always directly on the screen and in contact. If you enjoyed this video, I’ve got a whole playlist of smartphone gadgets content. So I leave that link to this video and it would mean a lot to me if you could smash the subscribe button down below. My name is Aaron. This is mr. who’s, the boss and I’ll catch you in the next one.

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