100 Inch PORTABLE Screen? – Samsung The Freestyle

100 Inch PORTABLE Screen? - Samsung The Freestyle

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “100 Inch PORTABLE Screen? – Samsung The Freestyle”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and, if you’ve been following ces at all you’ve, probably heard of this guy, the samsung freestyle. This is one of the most talked about pieces of tech that was at ces this year and samsung was cool enough to send one out and sponsor today’s video so that we could check it out and see what all the craze is about. Now, of course, the title and thumbnail pretty much gave it away, but this thing is a movable smart screen and it is just one of the most interesting things that i’ve seen come out in a while. Now we’ve seen portable projectors before, but never something like this from samsung. So this is a completely movable smart screen that you can have on this swivel here and it actually rotates 180 degrees.

100 Inch PORTABLE Screen? - Samsung The Freestyle

So you can of course, just point this at a wall, throw your content up there, but i don’t know, let’s say you’re chilling in bed. You can point this thing right at the ceiling laid back watch, something you have a lot of possibilities with this guy because it is just so flexible. So obviously you can take this thing pretty much anywhere and point it at anything uh. But one thing: that’s really! Nice about this is that it does auto keystoning and autofocus, so that it’ll give you a nice clean image, no matter what surface you’re pointing it on.

100 Inch PORTABLE Screen? - Samsung The Freestyle

So, if you’re, not someone who’s had experience working with a projector and aligning the image to be just right. This takes all of the work out of it. You just point it and boom. Your image is just the way you want it.

100 Inch PORTABLE Screen? - Samsung The Freestyle

So that’s where a lot of the fun comes from with the freestyle just being able to take it anywhere project it onto anything. So if you guys want to go outdoors and have an outdoor watch party or something you can do that here with no problem and it projects up to 100 inches, so you can get a pretty massive screen and it’s all in this compact body. So, let’s take a quick look around the freestyle, so the front is, of course, where you have your lens and you’ve got some touch capacitive buttons here as well.

So if you’ve got your power, your volume controls and you even have a button, so you can quickly connect to your mobile device. So if you’ve got like a samsung device, you can connect right there and on the sides we’ve got a usb type c port, a micro, hdmi port and a mic control switch. So you can turn off the mic.

If you want so you can access things like bixby or even alexa at the bottom. Here you’ve got your speaker, and this section you’re also going to be able to add some extra accessories that we’ll talk about a little bit later, so you can expand on this design right here and add a bit more functionality to it. If you want, in the future and with this micro, hdmi port you’re, going to be able to add devices to it. So if you want to hook up your gaming consoles or a blu-ray player of some sort, you get the micro, hdmi, cable and you’re going to be good to go. And, of course, you can even see all the little different microphone holes, because this thing does have far field voice recognition, not to mention this guy also has a 5 watt speaker, so you can get some really good sound quality out of this guy. It’S a 360 degree speaker, so you get nice full sound and i’m actually surprised at how loud this thing can get for something as small and compact as this is, you just wouldn’t expect loud sound, but this is surprisingly good and the speaker is definitely good enough For this to be like a smart speaker, so if you want to set it down somewhere and just play some music from it, definitely loud enough to fill a room now, speaking of being a smart speaker, we’ve also got some voice assistant controls here as well.

So you’ve got alexa built into it as well as bixby. So if you have alexa, you can of course control smart home stuff that you have going on in your house and you’re able to do that with the little mic button on the remote. But when it comes to bixby you’re going to be able to use far-field voice recognition and for those of you who aren’t familiar with that, so you can just say hi bixby and give it your command. So it has that ability as well – and i think that’s a first for a product of this kind, so it’s cool stuff now to power. This guy, you of course got to have it plugged in, but what’s great is that if you want to do the whole portable thing, you can use a portable charger and you guys know me i’m a fan of portable chargers. I think everybody should have one and you can actually use one with one of these, so you can pretty much watch your content, no matter where you are without having to look for an outlet now.

This is obviously a smart screen. So what does that mean? First of all, we got a ton of features to get into, but that means you also get access to all kinds of apps, your netflix disney plus, who all that good stuff. You can, of course, watch your favorite content right on this guy, so you don’t have to bring around any extra accessories or it’s all built in, but there’s like a whole other ambient section available, where you have access to a bunch of cool effects and features that You can just kind of have up on your wall if you want to just have some kind of mood lighting or just like a special effect, and you can even show what looks like a window.

So if you want to have like a certain vibe in your space, you can definitely just use the screen to just add that effect. It also comes with this prism dust cap, so you can throw on here protect your lens, but you can actually just throw this on and give you some ambient lighting in the background, too, if you want to just use this as like a nice little lamp, you Can kind of just throw this on? Let it sit there on the side, give you a nice little accent, color in the room, it’s a nice little functional touch that goes beyond just protecting the lens and what’s kind of dope. Is that let’s say you already own? A samsung tv and you’re having let’s say a party or something you’re, watching content over there, but you want to go into another room.

You can actually grab this guy and have it mirror whatever’s on the screen and project it right to a wall. So if you have like a bunch of people over – and you guys are all watching like – i don’t know the super bowl or something you can have – the content going in multiple rooms, so you’re not missing any of the action and, as you would expect from a Device where you watch things on from samsung actually looks really good. Colors are really vibrant.

We’Ve thrown this thing onto some pretty weird things like a playstation and it looked really clean. It’S actually surprising how good the image quality is. Considering you can throw this onto just about any surface, it looks really really good so from an image quality perspective. I think a lot of people would be happy with this, and if you want, you can even go into the settings and tweak it a bit. So if you want to calibrate it to a certain image that you like to see, you have those options as well now down the line, we’re going to be seeing some extra accessories come out for the freestyle, so samsung is going to expand on the capabilities that This thing is going to have so one of those things being like an external battery, so you can attach it to this. So you, if you don’t want to take a portable charger at some point, you’re going to be able to get something that attaches directly to it, which is definitely going to be nice.

But if you want something that has some extra functionality like it can charge your phone and all that portable charge is just fine now you guys probably can’t tell, but this white portion can actually be removed. It’S like a nice rubber piece here. This is going to be able to be removed and you can throw on different colors if you want to switch it up.

Maybe if you have this set in a room somewhere and you want to have a certain look to match the vibe you’re going to be able to do that now, i’ve been told it’s going to also be a dedicated waterproof case. Maybe if you want to take this thing to the pool – and you guys are watching content at the pool you’re not going to have to worry about splashes now, i think one of the coolest things i saw that this thing is going to be getting. Is this socket adapter, so hear me out? You could throw this thing onto a lamp. It sounds.

It sounds crazy right, but it’s going to be able to power the freestyle as well as let you angle it in certain ways that you probably wouldn’t have thought of before. I think in their promotional video. They show it beaming down onto a table looking at some kind of presentation to me, that’s like next level stuff and something i wouldn’t expect from a device like this now for those of you who want to know about the specs and what’s really powering this guy I’Ll throw it up on the screen so that you can see here uh, but what we’ve got right here in our hands is a pre-production model.

So by the time this thing goes on sale. There might be some specs or even different things that might change. So it might be a little bit different. I personally really like this, and i understand why it got a lot of hype and a lot of people were just straight up interested in it, because it can do a lot and i feel like this is one of those things i personally want. Fortunately, i got ta send this guy back to samsung, but i wan na pick one of these up, because i like the idea of always being ready to watch content, no matter where i go.

If i wan na at some point, take austin on a camping trip, but i’m never going camping, you guys, i don’t know what the situation may be, but i like being able to you, know, have a nice good quality screen, no matter where i go so i Know i’m definitely going to be getting my hands on one of these, but if you guys want to learn more i’ll, of course, have links down below in the description, so you guys can check it out um, but yeah. Let me know what you guys. Think of the freestyle i like what samsung’s doing here: lots of cool smart stuff that makes it just super easy to watch content wherever you go, but that about wraps up this video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed it. If you did be the cool guy girl that gives it a thumbs up and catch you guys in the next one phil dennis your average consumer peace, don’t ask for it, carl! That’S not a bad idea! 100 inches attack on titan. Let’S go .