10 Most Unusual Homes from Around the Globe

10 Most Unusual Homes from Around the Globe

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “10 Most Unusual Homes from Around the Globe”.
Maybe you’re not satisfied with your “ normal” home. Well, neither were the designers of these unique and unusual houses., I’m Glenn and today we’re bringing you some thought-provoking choices from around the world that should spark your mind’s eye …, possibly leaving you wishing. You lived there. Number Ten Designed by New York’s LEFT architects.

10 Most Unusual Homes from Around the Globe

This home in Lebanon sits along a mountain edge, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea., Its sweeping roof has vaults, covering several living areas with design cues drawn from the older traditional homes found nearby. The opposite ends of the home are contrasting in style. One is large and open, while The other is lower like bowing to a historical shrine..

The primary public areas are the living rooms, dining area kitchen and sleeping quarters. Number Nine, Also coming from the minds at LEFT architects. This arc-shaped home is built on a small triangle: plot of sloping land in the snow resort of Faqra Lebanon..

The facades of this single-family home are composed of board-formed, concrete and blackened steel railings.. The layout offers four bedrooms on two stories and features several connecting common rooms. Terraces highlight the outdoor living areas, having views overlooking the pool and the surrounding countryside.

Number. Eight Three repurposed shipping containers provide the backbone for this weekend, retreat in Victoria Australia.. The silvery boxes are situated like a boomerang shape on stilts on a steeply sloped hillside near the ocean. Along the front. An expansive terrace spans the length of the home. Two of the containers form the living space and the third provides two bedrooms and a bathroom. Inside the home. It’S a tranquil minimalist design with walls and cabinets from marine plywood..

I’M Allie and it’s Minds Eye Trivia time. By looking at just these images. Do you know what this is and where it’s from Leave the correct answer, or your best guess in the comment section below. Number Seven Situated on a grassy hill in the Netherlands is the Villa Vught, a house and a cooking school complex..

The three buildings resembling a traditional Dutch homestead surround a central open space and a walkway.. The buildings are clad with dark, bronze, anodized aluminum extending from the ground to the roof. Cross-laminated timber was used, along with European silver fir for construction and interior finishing.. The villa has a hidden corridor covered by a grass mound that connects the living areas with the bedroom..

10 Most Unusual Homes from Around the Globe

This allows the occupants the freedom to move between the residential areas without exiting the buildings. Number Six. This hexagonal shaped home in South Korea is making a statement about today’s construction techniques and bringing nature’s beauty inside.. The JK-AR studio imagined a new way to enhance construction techniques.

10 Most Unusual Homes from Around the Globe

Long forgotten., The House of Three Trees, is the realization of the fantasy to revive the trusses in wood from East Asia in disuse for 100 years., Its many trusses are cut and constructed without nails or external joints.. The outside walls are plywood covered with corrugated polycarbonate panels. Inside the home has three tree-shaped structures supporting a pitched roof with a high perimeter skylight..

The simple interiors are finished in white plaster, local larch plywood and floor paint. Number Five, A product of global architectural firm Mecanoo. This home in the UK gives the resident great views of the surrounding natural lake area via its large floor to ceiling windows. Using materials, color and lighting to harmonize with nature, the designer managed to create a strong relationship between the villa and the landscape, combining transparency with Sustainability., A large central atrium welcomes plenty of sunshine to spread into the home..

There are two levels of terraces and corner windows in several rooms. To create more private areas, the house is divided using a fireplace and cabinetry. I’m Allie and it’s Minds Eye Trivia time.. By looking at just these images, do you know what this is and where it’s from Leave the correct answer, or your best guess in the comment section below. Number Four Peeking out from the side of a hill in Argentina is a large boxy shaped home resembling a Military outpost or an ancient monument. Architect, Alarcia Ferrer, chose materials that are low maintenance and that balance their presence with the hilly environment. Built in 2016.

The expansive house was designed as if it were two separate houses.. The lower home offers an intimate relationship with the nearby local terrain.. The upper, in contrast, provides more intensity with the distant views of the lake and mountains. Open patios. Let the sunshine in and provide the flow of airy breezes. Number Three In the heartland of America is a very intriguing home design by Architects Brooks plus Scarpa. Located in a suburb of Chicago. The front of the cube-shaped structure consists of twisting columns of standard, yellow brick making for an unusual visual arrangement..

The wall seems to move and undulate as you pass by cloaking, the interior, courtyard and the glass windows of the single-family house.. The interior features an open courtyard with the main structure having neutral tones and a minimalist design.. The many floor to ceiling windows give the public areas a feeling of being much more extensive than they actually are. Number Two Taking its namesake from a popular TV series. This tiny home in Melbourne, Australia, is a small two-story, gazebo-style octagon.. The lower floor is split having a workshop and the bathroom, which serves double duty as the entrance to the upper level..

The above floor serves multiple purposes as a kitchen and living room, as well as the bedroom using the slide-out sleeper. Number One Designed by the architectural firm’River and Rain ,’. This industrial looking home is in a gated suburb of Dhaka Bangladesh. In addition to the shipping containers.

It’S comprised of steel, framing and extruded metal, creating an airy feeling with plenty of open space and greenery.. It’S three floors offer a kitchen and dining area on the ground floor with the living room and bedrooms on the two upper levels. Moving around is easy, as the containers, along with the house’s various decks and terraces, are connected by multiple sets of stairs.. If you’re interested in this one, it has been known to pop up on Airbnb from time to time. .