10 Awesome Campers | RVs | Past and Present

10 Awesome Campers | RVs | Past and Present

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “10 Awesome Campers | RVs | Past and Present”.
From solar-powered to flying check out these campers and RVs from all over the world number 10 Elysium us tech company, fury on introduced their new concept, RV camper called Elysium at the 2017 International CES in January. The campers roof features a hot tub, lounge area and a 2 passenger helicopter, the Robinson r22 helicopter. Whenever the RV is on the move, the helicopter is lowered into the bedroom to ensure its safety inside the cabin is equipped with high-end Furion appliances, including a refrigerator, oven. Wine, fridge, 375 inch TVs, a fireplace and smart bathroom, toilets and showers. Unfortunately, it’s not for sale.

10 Awesome Campers | RVs | Past and Present

It’S just a vehicle for the company to showcase their top new products to customers: number 9, 1953 vagabond. According to an ad in vintage camper trailers. The trailer was purchased in 1953. The buying couple lived in the space for a couple of years and then put it into cupboard storage for three decades.

10 Awesome Campers | RVs | Past and Present

A new buyer finally got a hold of this impeccable time. Capsule and polished it up with a little cleaning and new tires. This lime-green 8,000 pound work of retro art came back to life. The bright exterior is only the beginning.

10 Awesome Campers | RVs | Past and Present

The luxuriously spacious living room comes with the original furniture and rug classic 1950s floral curtains accent the windows in the main living area, along with the original light fixtures. The original fridge, stove and sink are still in full working order. In the adorable and cozy kitchen, two full-size twin beds make the bedroom a cozy retreat from the world.

These beds also give you a chance to lie back and enjoy the glassy birch handling green tile. Accents the functional bathroom complete with a full-size tub number eight, the Cricut combining his childhood love of houseboats and adult work on habitat modules for NASA and the International Space Station. One architect has applied all of his learning to a unique space-saving and space age.

Trailer right here on earth, the cricket is a made-to-order modular, miniature trailer home. They come in different variations, but the most decked out version features a kitchen eating sleeping and lounge spaces, as well as a hand shower toilet, a flexible awning, a heating furnace and air conditioning. All somehow stored within a 15 by 6 and 1/2 foot trailer box with an additional pop-up tent, like top number seven atomic camper builder bill.

Guernsey, was sidelined by surgery and channeled. His frustration into creating this steampunk esque rocket camper, which is almost entirely of wood over the course of the two years bill spent over 15,000 to see his vision come to life. Much of it he picked up from the Habitat for Humanity, ReStore where recycles and overstock building materials are sold to raise money for the organization.

Everything from the steampunk fridge door to the breaker panel. That looks like something out of Doctor Who is custom built. The kitchen think is a work of art combining tile work, laminate and copper trim. The cooking area sits in the nose of the camper and, in addition to the copper edge, banding features a gorgeous wood, Marquis backsplash in a diamond Harlequin pattern number six custom, Mercedes firetruck. Are you brave enough to go full-time RVing in a country where you don’t speak? The language this French family sure is the regos transported their Mercedes firetruck over land RV from France to North America, without knowing a word of English in 2012, Anthony Rico and his wife purchased this old Mercedes firetruck and turned it into a family friendly RV that could Go anywhere in the world Anthony had a self-contained solar-powered home on wheels painted green because it reflects the couple’s love of nature and the outdoors while his wife crafted a contemporary interior. That’S as stylish as an IKEA floor display.

It features a full kitchen, dining area wet bath, two bunks on the main level for the kids beds and a loft over the living room, where the couple sleeps number 5d Mark II trailer on the outside. It’S a plain, looking unassuming travel trailer when you get to your camping destination, something wonderful and amazing happens. Designer Edward broad link created the D Marquis trailer 30 years ago, and it’s still more than holds up each side of the trailer folds down to become a floor.

Nearly triple the size of the original footprint in the center over the main floors platform, the camper features a full kitchenette with a four-person dinette table, a spacious lounge space inhabits the outer portion, which can be indoors or outdoors depending on the adjustable awning. When the other wall of the trailer is lowered, it becomes a sleeping dorm with a double bed and two single beds stemming outward from the main room number four Bufalino. The Bufalino is a one-person camper created by german designer cornelius commons to contain all the essentials of everyday life.

The camper is based around the tiago, a PE 50 tricycle. The three-wheeled version of the Vespa, the designers aim, was to give users an understanding of the country. The surroundings and range they have traveled the camper serves as a base camp allowing users to move in a spontaneous way. This spontaneous travel is made possible with the vehicles essential compartments, including a bed two seats, a shower personal storage units, an equipped kitchen with fridge water tank work desk and a space on the back of the camper used for drying clothes.

Number three Caravan: when looking at our number three camper, you might think the designer was preparing for the zombie apocalypse, but you’d be mistaken. The caravan designed and built by applied minds, tech, firm, CEO, Brian Ferran, is actually a creation of love for his four-year-old daughter. The tech co-founder created the camper to allow for future travels with his daughter, Kira and combined high-tech with luxury to create the caravan. The van is built around a Unimog chassis with three axles, equipped with 46 inch tires with Kevlar shields and a nitrogen hydraulic suspension.

A 260 horsepower Mercedes diesel engine allows the van to reach 70 miles per hour, while in four-wheel drive and has a range of approximately 2,000 miles, weighing a beastly 50 1700 pounds. The van is impressively capable of climbing 45-degree slopes suitable for versatile environments. Number two MVP, our next extreme camper, can be described as the world’s most versatile plane. The MVP by MVP arrow based in Minneapolis and Duluth Minnesota, is a tri fittest, plane capable of landing on land, snow or water.

This sports plane aims to allow users to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest, capable of doing much more than flying from point A to point B, the MVP provides comfort for the longest trips and helps users in their camping, fishing hunting and exploring pursuits. This multifunctional plane is certified and produced in the light sports airplane category, but will be available as a fast build kit number one s carabane. Our number one is a self-sufficient rotating caravan, the s carabane, relying completely on solar and wind power. It unfolds into a 420 square foot tiny house within a 30 minute time span.

The 26 foot wonder created by green cat technologies in France, sits on a circular assembled pod, allowing it to rotate. It also features a solar concentrator that produces hot water using the Sun. A parabolic mirror to track and rotate the caravan 360 degrees and a retractable wind turbine to generate up to 500 watts of clean power. Amenities on the interior include a large 80 square foot master bedroom, a 59 square foot bedroom, an equipped kitchen that opens to an outside deck and a dining table that converts into a sleeping station.

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