10 Apple Watch Questions: Answered!

10 Apple Watch Questions: Answered!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “10 Apple Watch Questions: Answered!”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m QB HD here and welcome to my hotel room in San Francisco, California, and I’m here, because I’m actually going to be going to Google i/o, which is just a couple of days away. It’S right around the corner around the corner literally, but I’m not doing a video about Google. Today, I’m actually doing a video about Apple today, so when you’re out and about traveling or even just wearing the Apple watch in general, no matter how much you cover it up or no matter how much you don’t show it to anyone people when they figure out That you’re wearing an Apple watch inevitably have a lot of questions about it, even if you’re wearing some other SmartWatch, they ask about the Apple watch, so I have sort of compiled a list of the ten most frequently asked questions that people have when they figure out That they’re interested in the Apple watch number one. What are the best apps for the Apple watch, and this could easily be its own entire, separate video.

But for now so my favorites right now are Shazam, which just lets me ID a song with one tab on the watch and deliveries which is another favorite. It’S another one of those things that I’ve gotten used to on Android we’re getting a notification when a package gets delivered and then actually some first party one. So I really like maps the turn-by-turn directions function and the activity tracker is very good.

If you’re a fitness person, the Apple watch, sport combined with the fitness tracker, is really good and then, of course, there’s things you know like Instagram and Twitter, but the thing is, these: aren’t really Apple watch apps, essentially they’re iPhone apps that happen to have an Apple Watch component to them so number two: what’s the deal with these Apple watch apps and why are they so slow? Here’S, the thing Apple watch: apps are not native. What this means is the components the resources for the apps are not actually stored on the watch. They’Re stored on your iPhone and when you tap to open that app on your watch, it streams and moves all those resources to the watch for you to open. So that’s why it can be a little bit delayed a little bit slow and can feel like it’s lagging a lot and you can store up to about 20 megabytes of image resources on the watch for a particular app. But bottom line is they’re, not native, and that’s why they’re slow, fortunately, there’s a fix for that. Thanks to the Apple watch, gate framework native Apple watch apps are coming next year should it have been that way to begin with, probably but at least they’re getting better number three.

10 Apple Watch Questions: Answered!

Is it waterproof? No, but it is rated for ipx7 water resistance and essentially this is just a precautionary measure. It means you can go out in the rain and wear it outside and it’s not a big deal if it gets splashed. But I there’s been videos on YouTube of it. Getting you know water poured on it and being submerged and even people taking showers with it.

10 Apple Watch Questions: Answered!

I wouldn’t recommend those things, even though it technically survived, but yeah it’s water resistant to a degree for how is the battery life? Really, it’s actually pretty good in the hierarchy of modern smartwatches that not including pebble the Apple watch is pretty much up there. It’S I’ve said in the full review it lasts about a day and a half on battery. I’Ve never killed it in a single day and I’ve gotten pretty close to two days pretty frequently, and I’ve also got to test the power reserve mode. When I was traveling today got on my flight put on power reserve mode at about 97 % six hours later.

The flight was over and I check it and I turn it back on and it’s still at 97 percent. So that was great. It charges in about an hour and a half to two hours from empty and it does get a little bit warm while charging. But that’s not a big deal and you can also get a little bit of extra battery out of your iPhone. If you don’t check it as much since you’re using your watch number five, does it scratch? Yes, it kind of. Does I have a stainless steel version and I have like one or two tiny hairline scratches on it, not a big deal. My moto 360 also has a couple of tiny hairline scratches on it. So that’s not a big deal. That’S just the way they are so number six. What kind of accessories are there for the Apple watch? It’S an Apple product.

Surely there’s going to be accessories and yes, there are there’s a whole bunch. First of all, there are some docs for it, and these are sort of alternative methods for charging it. Since Apple’s method isn’t exactly pretty, you can get sort of a larger, more pretty version of a doc to charge your Apple watch, those I understand. Actually, the gold Apple watch Edition even comes with its own custom charging case.

Then there are screen protectors, which I guess also makes sense. You want to keep it in pretty decent condition. You want to avoid those scratches and force touch still works. Everything still works with the screen protectors on so that’s fine, and then there are cases for the Apple watch.

You don’t need a case for the Apple watch. Number seven. Is it true that there is a mystery port on the Apple watch? Actually, yes, there is there’s a sort of a tiny port, a diagnostic port right behind, where the band clips in where it actually does accept power. So people are sort of trying to come up with bright ideas. To take advantage of this, one company is actually building a new Apple watch band, with a battery built into it to plug into that little tiny port sort of a bright idea. I’Ll leave a link to that right below of that like button. If you want to check it out and yeah, that’s sort of the idea, it’s mostly still for Apple employees to troubleshoot the watch number eight, what’s good with force touch actually force touch is really good, especially in the Apple watch, mostly because the vibration motor and the Watch is so good, but it’s sort of a more info button and it’s gotten pretty useful in the Apple watch.

My favorite thing about it is just long pressing on your notifications to clear all notifications. That’S something that I wish would come to. Android, wear maybe we’ll see that at Google i/o in a couple of days, but it’s here to stay it’s in the new MacBook, it’s on the new Apple watch and actually it’s expected to show up in the next iPhone as well, so force touch it works and It’S pretty good, even though it has a terrible name, number nine.

What is the best combination of band / size for the Apple watch? Really, it’s all personal preference you’re, just choosing a bunch of materials for it. My personal favorite would be the 42 millimeter Space Gray. Stainless steel with the leather loop, I actually think that leather loop looks pretty badass, so that brings us number 10, which is: should you buy the Apple watch and a lot of people’s gut response is either a heck? No or maybe yes, if you own an iPhone and you want a smart watch, the Apple watch and the pebble are really your only choices and at 349 bucks there are other smart watches at this price and for the build the Apple watch. Sport is at least worth that price, anything above the Apple watch, sport.

10 Apple Watch Questions: Answered!

The functionality is exactly the same and you’re only paying for a difference in materials they’re paying for a leather or Milanese band or stainless steel or sapphire crystal those kinds of things. The craftsmanship is fine on the Apple watch, sport and if you can deal with that, I’d say yes, but if you’re going to go above that really think about exactly what materials are getting and if you think, spending five seven eight hundred dollars or ten thousand dollars Is worth it on an Apple watch, I would lean towards no, but if you’re going to just get into this for the first time Apple watch, sport is fine there. You go guys hope you enjoyed this video.

Thank you for watching and if you found it helpful at all, definitely share it for other people who have questions about the Apple watch. Hopefully this will answer theirs as well. Again, thanks for watching and see you at Google i/o talk to you the next one pace you .