1 877 Ads 4 Kids

1 877 Ads 4 Kids

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “1 877 Ads 4 Kids”.
A watchdog says that Roblox doesn’t protect kids from irresponsible. After really Roblox doesn’t protect kids from irresponsible advertising. This is, this is like Roblox, had kids best interests at heart. This is like those scientific studies response when they’re, like we have found through rigorous study and years of research that not going running, makes it so that you will run slower over time.

1 877 Ads 4 Kids

It’S like okay, thanks. It’S like come on geez. This feels like one of those like it’s actually a lie over a long enough period of time. You will definitely run infinitely slower, yeah, oh boy, um, but yeah like I. I can’t I can’t imagine that anyone was like.

Ah, yes, I believe Roblox is the absolute best Arbiter of like uh, not exposing children, to bad things. Um like like what was it got people confused about that, because, over a long enough period of time, eventually you’ll be dead and you’re ready, yeah yeah. There was something about like Kim Kardashian finding that that special video of hers, her kid like, saw it on Roblox or something I don’t remember if that’s like 100, true or not, but I remember, reading something about that: um, which is rough um, Karu, Karu, c-a-r-u, a Children’S advertising Watchdog has released the results of an investigation that found Roblox has widespread issues with advertising targeted at children under 13., according to Karu, which I’m going to call it now. I don’t know if that’s what it is.

Roblox does little to ensure that influencers on its platform disclose product endorsements and affiliate Commissions in a way that children can actually understand. I mean I can tell you right now, based on the limited understanding that adults have of sponsorships and affiliate and how all these things work. Kids, almost certainly have absolutely no idea that they’re being marketed to yeah further roblox’s user created games often fail to disclose Advertiser content.

This is not the first time Roblox has been criticized over its permissive attitude towards ads targeting children. A different Watchdog. Truth in advertising made a complaint to the FTC over the same issue.

In April 2022.. Parents groups and investigative journalists have likewise criticized Roblox as a Haven for fishing scams and other Financial crimes targeting kids again, a lot of them have credit cards attached. There are payments in the game right you can buy Robux or whatever they’re called in response to the FTC complaint. Roblox has recently announced a new advertisement policy which will require developers to identify Advertiser content in games directed at children. The company has likewise agreed to karu’s karus, whatever recommendation that they require influencers to use the word paid in ad disclosures ages of kids that play Roblox, that I can’t even read, and I don’t think paid – is actually necessarily the best ad disclosure. Why not add or why not sponsored that’s what everyone literally everyone else uses um like it’s paid a common hashtag for sponsored content.

1 877 Ads 4 Kids

Am I missing something here? Whoa six of three in flow plane chat says I have a friend whose kid has a 100 per month. Roblox allowance, why that sounds like a mistake, I’m not gon na. Tell you how to apparent your kid. I don’t even have one, but that sounds like a mistake: yeah. It sounds like training them to have bad habits like actively. Okay, Devil’s Advocate they’re budgeting.

1 877 Ads 4 Kids

At least it’s a fixed budget, but it’s a fixed budget of a lot blowing like a lot of budget on Roblox, oh yeah. I don’t really like that. So much um yeah everything I hear about Roblox is just like bad like I, you hear you hear about. Like the massive take they have from their their uh content designer slash developers, because there’s people that like make games in Roblox but there’s also people that make um like visual equipment. I don’t know what you’d call it avatars stuff Cosmetics. There we go got there eventually yeah yeah yeah um, so I yeah, I don’t know a hundred dollars of Robux is a lot of Robux yeah that that’s the thing that’s getting me is like. Maybe if it was like a relative, maybe if it was at an amount where they might have to save up for things – yeah – that’s probably the, but I could play and, like I’m sure, there’s some stupid one of three rare hat or something that’s way more than A hundred dollars but, like I can’t imagine, there’s a lot that they actually have to save for when their allowance is more than like. I spent on games a month like yeah and, like Luke, wastes money on games. He bought this stupid game Slap Shot rebound.

Is it free? It’S a free game. We we were actually looking at a different hockey game and picked the free one yeah, it’s pretty fun. It is actually pretty fun. It’S very hard we’re both terrible yeah, really really hard yeah. We man we’ve actually played like a few hours of Slap Shot Rebound in the last like few days. I kind of wish we had footage of when we started compared to now, because I’ve seen both of us do like actual combinations and like plays and stuff now at the beginning, I was like slide towards the puck and rotate the wrong way every single time. Just all this garbage yeah Luke has no idea how expensive things are in Roblox.

That is true because I have never played and I deeply don’t care or want even to know, but you don’t need to buy those like I don’t know, come on yeah just because something is there doesn’t mean it needs to be purchased. Um yeah. Our discussion here is, to what extent is the Cavalier attitude towards advertising to children unique to Roblox uh? I don’t even think it is like. I think we had this conversation a little while ago, where I was talking about taking my kids to the arcade and just realizing how much gambling conditioning was going on just training, these kids to put thing into thing and big flashy lights come out and they get A prize that’s worth a fraction of the money that they put in Mark Rober did a really great video on how games of skill at arcades, just like on the Carnival Midway, are not actually games of skill at all and are just completely games of chance and Designed to steal your money, it is. It is amazing to me that that is allowed to exist.

It is actual children doing actual gambling yeah. I we’ve talked about this on wancho 2. Before about how like sports betting, is such an endorsed thing now, where it was like, don’t talk about it yeah when I was growing up, and now it’s like the main advertisers for these places at all um and it’s it’s kind of weird driving around here, even And just like the casinos just seem to be getting bigger. Uh Kryptonite says it’s not gambling. If the game is rigged, no, it is gambling if the game is rigged, at least if it’s a game of skill, it’s not a Gamble. Almost every way to gamble is rigged.

Well, it’s not always this house, oh okay, okay, but the scales are definitely leaned on um. What is the definition of rigged so, like you are to lose without expecting you are to lose rigged means that no matter what you do, the outcome is ultimately up to the machine. So something like isn’t that how sloth a slot machine is rigged, it will only ever pay out based on profit margins, what it’s supposed to do, but like roulette, there’s too much chance involved.

So, even though the house is gon na win over time, the odds favor the house, but there’s actual odds, whereas the the fact that anybody puts money into a digital slot machine wild, at least if it was a mechanical like an analog slot machine. You know why they want digital slot machines, guys hello, uh, easier to control the outcome: hello, yeah um, but an actual name. They still to be clear with mechanical ones. They still control the outcome. Yes, but it’s a lot easier when it’s digital, yes um, so so the the example of in the the one that I watched uh. He proved that that one where the light goes around the thing and you have to press the button. Oh, it’s not a game of skill. No, you can actually change the programming in the game. He found the manual he dug up the manual somewhere and you can just dial in how much you want it to pay out in tickets. That’S annoying yeah because I always felt like no.

I was pretty sure I got it, and so he made a thing that within .01, milliseconds or within one millisecond would press it at exactly the right time. He made a robot and it would just it would just make it go past yeah. It was like no more accurate than if they just hit it themselves, because at the end of the day, it was not about how accurate you were. It was just about how much it wants to pay out.

That’S so frustrating yeah uh someone says slot machines apparently have payout requirements and are in fact random. So great, why aren’t we regulating children’s games the same way? It’S it’s wild to me. Also man. I don’t know I don’t know with how, with how much skis there is in the in the casino industry, I’ll believe it. When I see it I’ll believe that I’ll believe that a slot machine is actually working exactly as it’s supposed to be I’ll believe. Whoever was supposed to check it didn’t get a payout for sure.

When I see it, I don’t know man, I just I’m not much of a tinfoil hack conspiracy, theorist kind of person in general, but when there’s that much money moving around yeah foreign, I’m sorry, I’m just not going to put my money in the slot machine. It’S not gon na happen, yep! That’S that’s like a preferential thing. I guess, but like wow yeah, if you want to throw throw away money to like see, flashing lights and stuff just play, Peggle yeah .