🔴Wave Goodbye to Your Firestick – 2024 UPDATE CHANGES EVERYTHING !

🔴Wave Goodbye to Your Firestick - 2024 UPDATE CHANGES EVERYTHING !

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴Wave Goodbye to Your Firestick – 2024 UPDATE CHANGES EVERYTHING !”.
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for your five stick. Y TV Amazon are now promising to send even more adverts to your device. Amazon, Prime, is something that many people do subscribe to, so they can have the next day or Same Day deliveries, and that comes bundled with Amazon, Prime video. Now the price of that $ 14.99, if you pay monthly or $ 139, if you pay for the year now, and what Amazon have promised by the end of January 2024, they’re going to start serving adverts through Amazon, Prime video. So, even though you’re paying money for a premium subscription they’re now going to start adding adverts to that, unless you want to pay an extra $ 299 to stop those adverts.

🔴Wave Goodbye to Your Firestick - 2024 UPDATE CHANGES EVERYTHING !

So it really does seem crazy and very greedy that they’re now going to start asking people for more money, even though people are already paying a premium subscription for this service. Now this was reported on aftv news as well as the Verge yesterday, and, as you can see here, the Amazon Prime video will start showing adverts on January. The 29th movies and TV shows on this service are now going to start getting broken up because they’re going to inject adverts in that content and many people when streaming first took off the the reason why they loved streaming was what a great break from traditional cable Tv because traditional cable TV was plagued with many many adverts where streaming you pay a small monthly fee. It was small back then, and with that you can now enjoy uninterrupted streaming movies. Tv shows all of that content, but now slowly slowly, as things have progressed, you can see.

All of these services are now injecting adverts into their streams unless you now pay an extra premium on top of your already monthly price that you’re paying. Now some of the comments on this are really interesting. If we scroll down so Amazon early this year, promised said they’re going to start incorporating adverts into the movies and TV shows from the Prime video service and now they’ve actually confirmed the go, live dat off.

That is January 29th. So that’s when the adverts are coming and it says that they aim to have meaningfully few adverts than Lineo TV and other streaming providers. But it’s just one of the things that they say at once, but then later on, they’ll just change their mind and just start showing even more adverts says: customers have the option of paying an extra $ 2.99 a month to keep avoiding advertisements. I mean you can understand when a service is completely free, like 2btv or Pluto TV, they have to earn some Revenue, so they show you some adverts and in that way you can say fair enough.

I get access to free content and I have to watch a 30-second advert before I can do that. That’S understandable, but here in this example, I’m already paying a premium, I’m already paying like $ 14.99 a month or, if you’re, paying the yearly fee to pay. That much money and then be told that we’re going to change things up, we’re going to going to start saving your adverts. But if you don’t want that start, giving us $ 2.99 or extra money per month that, I would say, is taking advantage of their customers.

Very interesting to know guys how many of you actually do subscribe to the Amazon Prime service for that next day or same day. Delivery or how many of you just subscrib to Amazon, Prime video on its own or how many of you just do not subscribe to anything regarding Amazon, do leave me a comment below and let me know now here’s some of the interesting comments. So this guy is saying now the highest rated comment: sense that pting start dimmed because of the accessibility of streaming. Now I do think this is true for many people that if you do provide a service that is not extortionate, that’s not too expensive, then people just pay that monthly fee.

Just for that convenience that they get guaranteed service, they get good quality content. They get support. They’Ll, happily, pay. You know 4 five, six $ 7 a month for that quality of service.

🔴Wave Goodbye to Your Firestick - 2024 UPDATE CHANGES EVERYTHING !

But here, for example, if you’re going to increase the price price you’re going to start serving adverts it’ll, definitely I think, encourage more people to look for different Alternatives here. For example, Chris is saying we have few adverts than linear TV. It means that they’ll gradually add in more adverts than linear TV. So it’s just one of those things.

🔴Wave Goodbye to Your Firestick - 2024 UPDATE CHANGES EVERYTHING !

They’Ll say it once they’ll say it now, but very quickly in the future. You can see them adding in more adverts here we go look remember when they said pay a monthly fee to get ad free content. I definitely remember that, and, as I mentioned before, this was one of the the big benefits of subscribing to a service. You pay a monthly fee and you can now enjoy adree streaming content, but we can see guys over time, they’ve gone back on their promise and they’re just getting greedy now and they want to line their pocket.

And he also says that I prided myself on paying for multiple streaming services instead of pirating, but now with everybody raising their price. What feels like annually and pushing adverts? It really is just becoming absurd and trying to stay legit trying to stay official. You know having to subscribe to four five. You know six different Services, then, on top of that they start showing you adverts. You can see. It is very, very frustrating and more or less an insult to anybody that wants to stay on the official side.

It really is just a a slap in the face and he says it feels like an abusive relationship, I’m seriously considering canceling. So that’s just my thoughts on the video guys do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think are you surprised by this? Are you somebody that does take advantage of the Amazon Prime delivery service, but with this new hike in prices, are you going to keep it or are you going to look elsewhere? Do leave me a comment below, let me know, and if I don’t make another video by the year end. Let me just take this opportunity to say a massive thanks for all of your support. Over 2023, it’s been a interesting year. I’Ve got some big things planned for 2024 and let me just take this opportunity to wish all of you.

A safe, healthy and prosperous 2024 really appreciate your support and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon. Thanks .