Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴UNLINKED NOT WORKING – BEST ALTERNATIVE NOW”.
So unlinked not working unlinked offline has unlinked been taken down by the authorities. Well, if you ask me guys, I have been on the official support group, The Discord server for unlinked and there people have been posting messages for the last 24 hours. So it’s not something. That’S happened in the last few minutes or a few hours.


This has now been offline for more than 24 hours. Now this has happened a few times before and in both cases it was just some maintenance that the admin was doing to the server. So I suspect it’s a similar thing now, whereby he’s doing some back-end maintenance, maybe updating the database or maybe changing some permissions which is now taking this service offline.


So what can we do right now? Well I’ll say for the here and now the best thing probably to do is just wait, because these things can go offline. You know if you are maintaining a service or a server, and it’s only like one of you or a few of you. Then these things can take time so so probably just giving it another 24 hours, 48 hours. The service should come back now.

If you are somebody that has not heard of this application, I would say: unlinked is very similar to the previous fall linked and very similar to the current applications like fall synced like app linked, whereby it allows you to create online file stores or online libraries or Online repositories where you can then share your favorite applications. So if you are somebody that likes to cited applications – and you have lots of you – know friends and families that do use Fire Sticks or even customers, then you can quickly create a store. Add your favorite applications. Then your friends and family can then access your store by typing in a code, and you can then share your content with them.

So it is very, very easy to use and a great way for you to find applications that may not be on the official Amazon app store. Now, if you do need to find something right now, I’d say probably the best thing you can do if you’re somebody that needs to assign load very quickly and you are looking for a trusted resource – a place where you know that the applications are going to be Saved the applications are going to be virus scanned I’ll, say, probably the best code for all of that, especially for your favorite streaming. Applications is just open up, downloader and just type in the code 874-521. Now this is basically a repository made by Kevin portier. So a great YouTuber has been in the game for a long time. You can definitely trust his content.


You can definitely trust his store and if you are looking for those streaming applications or just general utilities, application stores, all the good stuff you’ll definitely be able to find it here so, and I will leave a link to his channel in the video description. So do definitely go and support Kevin. He really is a great YouTuber. So now for my fire, stick I can scroll down.

I can now see um different application stores. I can see different media players and with one click I can then download them directly onto my device. So I’ll say probably that’s the best way if you are looking for something right now, whilst on linked is offline, this is probably the best place. I mean I’m not going to scroll down more, but there are really all of your favorite applications are all on this single page. So do take a look if you’re interested in the streaming applications and also just whilst you’re here guys. Let me just give you a quick update to my background Task Killer, whereby here we can see using this application, which everybody uses you can see on my device.

I have 10 applications open in the background, including my app killer, and we can see now if I open that up, I can click on this option here, which gives me a quick count showing me. I have 10 applications running in the background, and would you believe it guys clicking on Full Stop in less than one? Second, it’s now killed nine of those applications. So no missing about go back in here and we can fully confirmed my fire stick or really any Android device has quickly cleared all of those background applications freeing up that valuable system memory, making my device a more responsive and just giving me an overall better experience On my device, so this is going to come out very very soon, I’m just putting the finishing touches to it. I just want to make sure it works properly across all of your fire OS 6 devices fire OS 7 devices, your Android TVs.

All of them will be able to take advantage of the tduk app killer. So really I’m looking forward to sharing it with you do leave me a comment below if you are looking for that. Also, let me know if you are somebody that uses unlinked and I’ll. Hopefully, catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .