Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴SHOW-BOX PRO IS HERE (BIG WARNING !)”.
Do not download this application do not install this application. This is now doing the rounds. I mean I don’t even want to say its name. Let’S just say s box, Pro people have now started sharing this application. This is obviously a wannabe clone from the very famous the original application Xbox, which, back in the day, was a great option.

If you were interested in you know the latest, you know movies and TV shows, but, as you know, the application was shut down. I think the authorities stepped in, as we know, typically with these applications when they get too big too popular. Eventually, like this one and the other M1, they all got shut down. Now, typically, you know hackers or people with malicious intentions they copy.

You know previous application names application logos here we can see they’ve, actually just whacked uh a pro on there saying this is the Pro Edition, but I can just tell you now: I’ve actually done a test download and this application is just full of viruses. So you don’t want to put it onto any of your devices. I mean if you’re looking for that kind of stuff, they are much better, safer options that you can use, which uh those applications won’t give you any viruses won’t give you any malware, But Here, For example, we can see on one of these sites um. I can actually do a test download this one here that they’re saying this is some unlocked version and no ads, Etc. So if I just download that just for testing purposes just hopefully you guys can be made aware that you shouldn’t be downloading these things and if you want to try download, make sure you always do a virus scan first, and I will show you how you can Do a quick virus scan on your fire sticks or Android TV devices just to ensure that what you’ve downloaded is safe so before you install it or even if you have installed it, if you do that virus scan, and you can see it gives you a warning, You should quickly take the application off your device as quick as possible. So if I don’t just do a quick download give that a second, let’s download that okay, because that’s now downloaded in the background and now, as I’m doing this on my PC before I jump over to my fire stick, I can just open up virus total, which Is a great way you can quickly check to see anything that you downloaded is safe if I now just drag across the application, I’ve just downloaded you can see here here is the file. I can drag that in there and look at that guys. We have 21 warnings from different security vendors who have now flagged this file as malicious.

So we have, you know Trojan warnings. We have risk, wear warnings, uh different Trojans. We have malware warnings, I mean. Sometimes you have to just you know, use your common sense that if it’s just maybe one warning from one engine, then generally that’s known as a false positive, where it’s now incorrectly being you know, flagged as malware or militias.

But if you have 21 engines flagginess, then you don’t want to put this on your machine. I mean even very famous engines like McAfee or Microsoft or Symantec have all deemed that this application is malicious. So do not put this on your device and definitely don’t install that now. If I just jump over to my uh fight TV Cube now the application, I would recommend for your fire sticks or your Android TVs to ensure that your applications are safe, is called deaf. Squid, so if I just go over to the search I’ll just type in the letters d e f, we can see def squared. Let’S click on that. This is the one here, so you can see the logo there.


Let’S now open that up. I’Ve already installed this on my device. I can dismiss this message.

Let’S now go over to the malware scan say, for example, we can do a deep scan which will scan all of the applications on my device or, if you’re particularly worried about certain applications. I’M not sure about this monitor door. I can click on that and this will then quickly start a scan of that single application and I’ll go back to the top. We can see that’s already finished and we can see it’s coming back as probably harmless. If I do a full scan, let’s click on that. This will now go through the entire list of applications and scan them for me, and even though it’s scanning through multiple engines, I believe it’s more than 60 different engines.

We can see that the scan response time is actually really fast and while we’re waiting, if you guys, are enjoying the video, then please do take a moment to hit that like button and also consider subscribing. If you are interested in fire, stick applications tips and tricks. Android TV tips and tricks, and really just the best way you can optimize and get the most from your streaming device.

Thank you. Okay. That scan is now finished. We can see. Most of my applications are probably harmless, but if I keep scrolling down, we can see it’s identified.


These applications, including Plex, as probably malicious. So this is what I’m talking about. You have to use a bit of common sense, so, for example, look at Plex. If I click on that, it says to me, there’s one warning so again: if it’s one out of like 60 different potential engines, I would consider that as false positive.

Similarly, for Wolf launcher, we can see there’s just one morning, so I’d say: Jeff’s good really is a great way. You can scan these applications on your device. You can quickly find out if anything is malicious and if you do find something, it does actually give you. The option to uninstall that straight to ways so great way for you to protect your data, protect your device with this amazing free application called def squared another thing: if you are serious about your privacy, if you want to stay anonymous online, there really is an amazing Offer just for the next two weeks where you can get fifty dollars off the yearly plan which works out.


It’S just over three dollars a month, all devices covered. Even your laptops, your tablets, Windows, PCS, everything will be covered with a single license. You can then change your IP address. You can hide what you’re doing so your ISP contract you.

They can’t monitor you to get that. I think this offer is definitely worthwhile checking out. It does help support the channel. So many thanks, if you want to do that, do have a look in the video description and the pinned comment.

If you want to take up this special offer, it is only for the next two weeks. Do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .