Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴NEW FIRESTICK UPDATE – AMAZON BLOCKS LAUNCHER”.
Just semi reports are now coming in that Amazon have now actually blocked launcher manager, as you guys saw with my previous video. The latest version of launcher manager uses a new method of detecting the home button press and with the new method, you can now launch any custom launcher that you like, and you can even remap some of those media buttons like, for example, Disney or Netflix, or Amazon. Music, they can all be remapped with the latest version of launcher manager, but clearly Amazon are very closely watching what’s happening in the modding community, and I believe now, when I install this latest update on my 4K firestick Max. We should see the impact of this. This has happened once before or twice. I think once was with a Firestarter and also the original launcher hijack so with those applications, Amazon blacklisted, the package names, which means we try to install them or try to run them on your device. They just wouldn’t install properly, and I suspect, they’ve done the same thing now with launcher manager and it is very frustrating because even if you take the custom launcher out the equation, the latest launcher manager allowed you to remap these media buttons, so even buttons like Prime Video, which you know you can’t uninstall with the latest version of launcher manager, you could actually remap this to another feature or to another application on your device. It just looks like Amazon are not letting anything go and they’re trying their absolute best to completely block this. From happening now, I do have a potential workaround, which um I do think would be quite easy to do, but it’s gon na end up being a cat and mouse game where you slightly change the package name install it.

It works okay and then they’ll just Blacklist that as well. So my device has finished updating but, as you can see, launch manager is still available on my home screen. I can click on that and it still opens for me. So what I suspect is happening is Amazon are periodically scanning the applications on your system and when it detects that you have the package for launcher manager, it then blacklists that so that particular application or that particular package can now no longer run on your system.


Now one fix or a quick fix is, is, if you just quickly reinstall the package or reinstall the application, it does seem to refresh it and again you’ll see that you can start the application again. But again, whenever that scan happens, maybe it’s every couple of hours. Maybe it’s once a day when they do detect that you’ll definitely have this problem, and this is something that we’ve been worried about for a very long time where Amazon would just do everything in their power to ensure that you always see the home screen. You always see these sponsored um applications.


You always see these sponsored adverts. They have to ensure that you see these adverts because they need to recoup some of those costs that they lose with. Actually, you know making these devices now, just in case you’re wondering how many people are affected by this. If I just show you on my previous YouTube video, you can see here just literally three minutes ago, this person is saying this is now blocked in USA.


So you’ve got another person saying app. Stop working settings are no longer available. I’M not sure if this happened to anyone else, but Amazon deleted. Yes, so they haven’t actually deleted it, because if you open up another app like the app info manager, you’ll still see the icon for launcher manager. You just can’t launch it anymore, but again, if you just reinstall the application that will potentially fix that problem. Now, if you were to potentially change the package name, then that could maybe be an alternative, but then potentially Amazon will just add that to the Blacklist and it will become that cat and mouse game. You know so he’s saying I don’t think it’s legal for them to remove an app for my device so again, they’re not actually uninstalling something they’re, just making a change to a process that monitors the applications on your device and when it detects that launcher manager is Trying to run it doesn’t allow it blocked and disappeared from the install apps, so definitely seems to be very widespread and, as I mentioned before, it does seem to be a periodic scan whenever it detects the application on your device.

It just makes it so. You can’t launch it anymore, I mean you can see 17 hours ago today, Amazon removed and blocked launcher manager. So I mean you’d think they’d have bigger things to worry about, but home screen adverts are really how they make money on these devices.

So anything that prevents using that adverts they’re going to jump in and make sure you see them, so that’s happened there. This was also reported today by AF TV news, which is also a very credible resource, and we can see on his website. Amazon blocks the launcher manager from taking control of your Fire TV remote button.

So some of you will see this depending on if you’re running fire, OS 6 or fire OS 7, and he’s saying that now it feels already installed on your device. The app no longer appears in the main grid of apps or in the managed, install applications, so you won’t see it there, but, as I mentioned before, if you open up another app, which is the app info manager, in fact, let me quickly just show you this Application here, so, even if you can’t actually see launcher manager anymore because it’s been blacklisted and you can’t see it in my applications – you’ll still see in the list here and when you click on this, you won’t be able to click on open app because it’s been Blacklisted but as we can see on my third gen Fire TV Cube on this device, I’m still able to use it. As you can see guys. Amazon are not going to stop they’re going to make sure that you always see the home screen. Adverts, you’re not going to be able to remap these media buttons.

They really want to have control of your streaming device. So you can see why lots of people are very frustrated with this and many have jumped over to the Android TV operating system, because at least on that platform you still have some controls. So that’s pretty much for this video guys um. In fact, let me just show you one quick thing: that’s going to be coming to my app killer. We can see here. If I open up background apps and process list, we can see, I’ve got my VPN safety door.

You can see that clicking on the top right. I also have launcher manager running and if I now open up my app killer, we can see that the new version is going to have this new tick box here, which says: keep my VPN or utility or launcher apps alive. So that means, when I click on count, it says: there’s five things running and this time, when I click on full, stop all apps, it only kills off two of them because now, when I go back into the background, apps and process list, we can see because Of that new tick box, it’s now kept the VPN safety dot alive, as well as launcher manager and, of course, any other VPN that was running. So the update is going to be coming very, very soon, really appreciate your support.

Do leave me a comment below and let me know what you think about Amazon now blocking the new launcher manager. What do you think about it? Are you going to jump ship or is it just something that we’ll have to accept because looks like Amazon really do control our devices so really appreciate your support. Do like and share this video and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .