Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴GET BEST UK STREAMING APPS ON ALL DEVICES !”.
So imagine you’re on your favorite streaming device. You’Ve heard about some great streaming applications like the bbci player like ITV, like UK TV play, so you open up the Play Store. You go to search you now type in let’s type, that in so BB, but when I click on search, you can see it says that this application isn’t available on this device, even though I’m using, what’s known as an official certified device, the on 4K Pro. Why can I not use this application? Okay, never mind? Let’S say we’re not too interested in that.


Let me now maybe try another popular application like this one here, let’s click on that give that a second – and it says again, this application is unavailable for me. So I’m somebody in the UK I’m using an official certified device. Why can’t I access these UK streaming applications? What we can see now on my device? If I just press one button, I now see these two applications appear on the bottom. Let’S go for this one here, one click and in less than 5 seconds, or should we say: five: 4. 3. 2.

1, no errors, and I can now fully unlock all of this content and access all of these official streaming applications on really any device that I have so in this article today. Let me show you how you can access all of these UK streaming. Applications really on any device that you have have. All you need to do is just hit that, like button make sure you hit that subscribe button. So with all of that being said, let’s get start if you’re new to the channel, and you want to stay up to date with the latest tech tutorials, the latest fire stick Android and Android TV tips and tricks.

Then please do subscribe and hit the like button. It’S a small click from you, but it makes a big difference to me. Thank you. I’M doing my demonstration on the on 4K box, but you can follow this process on really any other device, whether it’s an Android emulator, another Android TV device, really any device that you’re. Looking for that. You want to try these UK streaming applications and they really do have some fantastic content. Large library of VOD content, great dramas, great Thrillers, just lots of great content – is available on these UK streaming applications. So how do we get them? Well, the first thing we need to is go over to downloader.

Let’S click on that and we can now make a quick connection to my website, which is just Tech, uk.com or you can always type in this short code, which is just 534 02 to let’s type that in and click on, go, and this will take you directly To my website now, when you get to my site, if you head over to the hamburger menu, which is one with the three lines, I can click on, that click on that click on tutorials and the latest tutorial in the list will be how you can get These UK streaming applications on all of your devices. Let’S open that up here we are so use UK streaming. Applications on all devices tells you some information about why they are really convenient.


They offer lots of flexibility, lots of great content, very large content, libraries. This UK TV play is a great one, has some great content now this is the key part. It says why can’t you actually use them, and it really goes on to just explain some of the reasons like your device type like your IP address, your geolocation. If your device has a correct certification, like DRM protection like wide Vine, this just ensures that your device meets the correct standards and if these applications don’t detect that they just they just don’t load as you’ve seen either they’ll say they’re unavailable in the play store or, If you try to open them, they’ll just say that your device is not compatible with these applications keep scrolling down. So what can you do? And this is really the key thing here so I’ll? Let you read that I’m not necessarily going to say it out in case YouTube tried to be funny, but this is really the key keep scrolling down.


Now you have the step-by-step install instructions, and underneath all of that, we should now see a bunch of links. Now I’m working with somebody uh to provide these links um and we will be adding in more links in the next couple of weeks. So I know there are other applications that we’re trying to get working. So if you’re interested in that, if you have other applications, you are interested in, do leave me that comment below and make sure you are subscribed with all notifications. So you know exactly when the new version or the new update drops okay, so we now have these uh special uh applications here so say, for example, I want to go for the first one.

I can click on that. Give that a second I can then scroll down and you’re, always looking for that green download button. Some you do see other download buttons, which are unfortunately placed by Google adverts, which I have no control of, but those adverts do fund and cover the server costs and the hosting cost. So hope you guys can appreciate that you will see an advert occasionally, but because of that it means all of my content is 100 % free. I can now click on download.

Give that a second now then start installing or you’ll see the prompt you want to install it. In my case, I already have the version installed, so I’m going to click on back cuz. My version is installed, but basically go through the list see which applications you’re interested in and, of course, that if you are not in the UK, then this thing obviously applies and if you do want um a discount, you can obviously click on the link here. But yes, so get the applications.

You need make sure you’ve got the right IP address. Once you have that I can now press the home button. We can see I’ve installed three of those applications. Let’S try the first one here.

I think some of them do require registration, but it just requires an email address. You can use a temp email address, just create a quick free account log in and you’re more or less good to go, and you can see guys a massive massive library of content, and it’s not just that. You can load the application. If I just want to try something in here, uh, let’s just go for COD case – click on that 16 episodes click on that click on play, and hopefully, in less than a few seconds.

We are straight into that and you can go ahead and enjoy all of that content. Working, absolutely fine with no issues no buffering, and we are straight in there. Then you got this one here which I’m sure you’re all familiar with, particularly for the guys in the UK, but again lots of content, lots of VOD lots of different series on here lots of current stuff. You can go ahead and enjoy anything on here.

So for a quick test again, just to show you that everything is working properly, fine on my on 4K box, let’s just go for this one here: the fortune, Hotel click on that click on play; uh, Let’s ignore the paral controls and again, within a few seconds, We are in there that’s working great okay, sponsored by Domino’s Peter. Let’S go back, obviously the big one here, let’s try a quick cartoon. You got this one here again, we are straight in there and it’s working absolutely fine. So you can see guys, even though these devices for what reason these official streaming applications deem these devices not to be supported.

We can see with the workr I’ve shown you today, you really can go ahead and enjoy all these applications, regardless of whichever device you have just ensure that you do have the right IP address just for a test just to show you that it does work correctly With this thing running in the background right now, there’s a super special offer just for the next 2 weeks for a superb price of just $ 2.75 per month. So really at that price point to get Total Protection, keep yourself safe online get maximum privacy. Nobody can track you, your ISP can’t see what you’re doing you can download content. You can stream content. You can take advantage of this new Advanced threat protection to get all of that at under $ 3 a month.

I definitely think this special offer is worthwhile. Checking out, it is only there for the next two weeks, using my link to help support my channel and my work. So many thanks, if you want to do that, have a look in the video description and pinned comment. If you want to take up this special offer so really appreciate your support, do like and share this video and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .