Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴FREE STREAMING APP THAT HAS AWESOME CONTENT !”.
So the YouTube application actually does have thousands and thousands of full movies TV series lots of Prime Time episodes all of that’s included inside the YouTube application. Now, the only slight caveat is: is the first thing that the YouTube application does it checks to see your current location and, if you’re, not in one of the supported locations? Unfortunately, all of that content is hidden now on my device. I’M doing this test on my Android TV. If I open up YouTube, we can see we have the standard menu on the left, but when I now go to movies we can see, I actually see lots and lots of free movies which are now included with adverts. So lots and lots of great options in here some very, very popular movies, Independence Day, RoboCop great classic there lots of different things.

So if I want to watch one of these, for example, uh Zoolander click on that give that a second and we are straight into that movie. So all of that content actually provided by YouTube and as it is YouTube you’re not going to get any issues with buffering or lag or anything like that, they really have the bandwidth. So all of us can enjoy this amazing content. Yes, you will see an advert or two before the content starts, but what a great way for you to access, even more official movies TV series and they even have live TV content bundled into YouTube now. So, let’s give that a second just to confirm that this starts okay and that started fine. I can also afford that a bit and I’m now watching Zoolander directly through YouTube. Let’S back out of that now, if you only want to see the free with ads option, you can actually scroll to the bottom or scroll to the top, and there should be an option here which now says free with ads. So I can click on that.

This will now filter out the content and only show me the free content available directly through YouTube. You can see guys everything from drama to Comedy science fiction, horror, Thriller animation. All of this content is included, but the key thing with this YouTube application is: is that check it does when it starts now? What it’s looking for is a USC IP address.

If you have that USA IP address you’ll, see all of this free extra content, if you don’t have it, then, unfortunately, all of this content will be hidden from you now, as you guys know, I’m based in the UK. So how am I able to access all of this content? Well, the easiest way to do that is to use a VPN now, obviously, VPN, who are one of the partners of this channel, wanted me to demonstrate how good obviously is at unlocking content specifically streaming content. So if I just go over to the client now we can see it’s over here and right now on this client, we can see I’m connected to United States and what that means is my device, even though I’m based in the UK now has a USA IP Address that means any service any website.

Any application that I try to use all of them will think that I’m actually accessing them from USA and because of that, some of the content that was previously locked out some of that gear. Locked content can now easily be unlocked with oversea. Similarly, if I open up Netflix, as you guys know, Netflix have a large library of content, but they also do have different content for different regions, so Australia will have its own Netflix Library.

Usa will have a very, very large library and some of the other regions have different content for their respective audiences. Now we can see if I open up Netflix on my device, let’s open that up now when I start NetFlix. If you look at my IP address my new USA IP address and based on that, that should then show me a completely different Netflix Library. I can now go through the list here and we can see now. I see the top 10 programs in USA so because of my IP address, Netflix is now showing me completely different content, which means I can now access a whole different Library and see the content in here. Here, for example, you can see Band of Brothers click on play, just to show you that it’s not just browsing content but using IFC VPN.

You can actually unlocked and fully play all of this content that was previously blocked for you. That’S working, absolutely fine! Okay! That’S looking good, let’s back out of that, so definitely unlocking content accessing Global libraries, Global repositories. All of that is made very easy, using IBC VPN, but, as I mentioned before, the main selling point, or one of the main highlights of oversea – is the actual price and right now we’re talking about 90 of their standard price.

In this special offer, where you can get that Total Protection, you can change your IP address. You can hide your online activities. You can unblock your favorite streaming.

Applications your BBC, iplayers your Hulu’s Disney pluses unlock all of your favorite Netflix libraries. You can get all of that at under one dollar a month at this price point, even if you buy this as a second VPN or a backup VPN. I think this special offer is definitely worthwhile.


Checking out so really appreciate. Your support do like and share this video and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .