Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴FIRESTICK UPDATE WARNING – LOOK AT WHAT THEY REMOVED !”.
So it’s the 26th of October brand new update being pushed to my device right now in real time. Let’S see exactly which applications are automatically removed, let’s see which applications are blogged. Let’S see if the auto offload feature actually removes these thirdparty programs, because one of the things that we have been promised is the auto offload is only for official applications that you download from the Amazon App Store. So if I side load the K application Cod that should not be touched by this process. So, let’s wait for this to finish and let’s see exactly what’s happened on my third generation F TV Cube and just while you’re waiting guys if you are looking for the latest fire, stick tips and tricks.

The latest free streaming applications how to get the most from your Android TV device really just to get the best Cod cutting experience then definitely do have a think about subscribing and also turning on the bell for all notifications. So you know exactly when this update drops. The other thing to mention is with this latest update. As you guys know, with the last update, I was working on a workaround on how you can still use the home button to launch a custom launcher.

Let’S see if this latest version has also broken that as well, I do get worried when the updates take this long, because you do Wonder just how many things are they changing in the background, are they installing things removing things blocking things changing things really with these Devices, it does seem like we’re just renting them from Amazon, and they really can go ahead and do what they like make any changes that they like and more or less just pretty much control your device. Okay, so update fully installed, let’s, firstly check out app offload, so the way you see that if you go to your settings, go to Applications and we can see, we have automatic offload and once again we can confirm this will be turned on as a default option. As soon as your device receives this update of, of course, if you want to turn it off, one click and those applications will now no longer be automatically offloaded. But let’s leave that on. Let’S now go to the manage install applications. Let me show you exactly how this works and let’s just confirm if this is going to Target our favorite thirdparty applications. So I think with that, let’s just go straight to the Big K keep scrolling down. We can see here we have the application.

If I click on that, you can see, there’s no option here to offload, because if the application does support automatic offloading, we will see an extra option here. Let me demonstrate that, for example, if we look at uh ITV, let’s click on that. You can see it says here offload, which means again, the application will be uninstalled from your device, but the user data portion, which has your credentials your favorites, your settings. All of that stuff is saved, so I can now click on that.

You want to upload this. I can now reclaim 21 Megs of space. Let’S click on confirm give that a second that should now be uninstalling from my device. We can see the icon now changes to a cloud icon, but now, when we go back to our favorite third party applications like this one here again, we can see no option to offload.

Let’S try another one and what else did I side load? So, for example, I side loaded um this thing here, click on that you can see no option to offload. Let’S just try one more just to fully confirm that any application that you side load will be completely safe from the automatic app offloading. Even this application. Here I had to side load because I’m based in the UK click on that and you can see no option to offload so that really just gives us that confirmation app offloading will not affect your side loaded applications, the ones that you youve downloaded from my website Or from other third party application stores, none of those applications are affected.

Let me now try two of the most popular streaming applications. The third party applications, the Cinema one and the the B1. Let’S now open up those and let’s see if any of those are blocked with this latest update here, I’m just installing the B application here, I’m installing the cinema, one click on install and I will test the latest version of the launcher manager and we can see See if that’s also blocked with this latest update, let’s now press home, let’s try the B application first and we can confirm with the latest Amazon update my third generation Fire TV Cube. Can access all of this content.

No blockages! No problems, no worries. Let’S go back. Let’S now try the cinema, one click on that again, one click. We are straight into the application again, no blockages.


No problems, no worries. We, we can access the content. So two out of two, your favorite streaming applications are not affected, not blocked. With this latest update and, of course, the care application, one click, no blockages, no problems running the latest 20.2.


I can see everything in here no problem, so all of those favorite sideloaded third party applications are working with this latest update without any problem. Let’S install the latest version of launcher manager and let’s see what happens with that one: let’s click on that click on install now you saw with my last video that, although it installs okay as soon as I click on done, I press home. We can see straight away, there’s now a new notification. I click on that and this is it guys, so we can see that once again, even with this latest update, launcher manager has now been blocked by fire security and why they’re doing this they’re doing this, because this is due to security risks to your device and Also risks to your person, personal data, so yeah, that’s that’s! That’S what they’re saying so. Let me back out of that.

So hopefully that does answer your questions on. If I do get the latest update on my device, is it going to block my favorite third party applications? Is it going to block my favorite streaming applications even with the app offload? If I do have, that enabled, is it going to touch my side, loaded applications and hopefully, as you’ve seen today? The answer is no now in case you’re wondering what’s happening to the fix that I’m working on well, as as you can see, even with this brand new latest update on my third generation Fire TV Cube, I can get my remote control press one button and we Are taken instantly to a custom launcher where we can fully customize our home screen? We can customize these tiles. We can create custom sections, we can choose a custom wallpaper and really just organize our home screen exactly how we like it on our own device and, of course, without seeing any of those Amazon adverts.

Any of that sponsored content any of those promoted applications. I really can go ahead and just fully control my device, even with the latest update, so make sure you are subscribed with all notifications. I don’t want to release this straight away, because first, I need to test to make sure everything is working properly and I’m also thinking about the best way to release it because, as you guys have seen in the past anytime, I release something. There just seems to be another update, which then breaks that functionality, so I’m still working on that please bear with me.

I will release a video very very soon, just make sure you have enabled all notifications and also, let me just share this super special offer. Just for the next two weeks, where you can get a really fast VPN, you can hide your online activities. You can protect yourself online access, all of your favorite geolock content to get all of that really fast speeds for $ 2.99. I definitely think this special offer is worthwhile check out.

It does help support the channel. So many thanks, if you want to do that, do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon. Thanks .