Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴FIRESTICK UPDATE STREAMING APPS WITH 1 CLICK !”.
If you’re, somebody that loves installing third-party applications from websites from online repositories, probably the biggest challenge you have is: how can you ensure that you have the latest version of these applications, these third-party applications, or how can you quickly update these applications with one click? Well, this application APK updater, which is now fully released previously it was a beta version with this new update, he’s added in so many fixes. He’S made the whole repository process so much easier, and literally now, within a couple of seconds, I can see on my device. I’M running a Plex version 9.23, but 9.29 is now available. So how can I get the latest version? Well, I just click on install app where you can see straight away through this application it pulls down. The latest version of Plex is getting it from the Aptoide repository which you can identify by that logo.

I can now click on install and we can see guys in less than five seconds. My device is now running the latest version of plagues and this Plex screen or this card should now disappear, which then confirms that I have the latest version on my device and we can see exactly in real time. It’S done that. Let me walk you through the settings and I’ll show you how you can get the latest version on all of your devices.


Now, when you start the application for the first time, it may take you to the app section which you can see first here you can see the list of all of your applications on your device, and this is the place where, basically, you would ignore an application And what ignore means is, I don’t want to see updates. Maybe you’ve got a special modded version of an application, a custom version, and because of that you don’t want to install any updates above it. All you need to do, then. Is click on ignore app.


So, let’s say, for example, I’m happy with downloader. I never want to see any updates for it. I can click on ignore that basically means no. The application is now ignored, which means I won’t see any updates for it.


If I scroll down, I think all of the applications that are ignored should appear at the bottom. We can see the application is grayed out, which means it’s ignored, so UNC new updates for it. So that’s the main thing you want to do inside apps. Now the search which I demonstrated last time really has to be one of the killer features of this application, because, if you’re only looking for applications from trusted repositories like Aptoide or F Droid or some of the other ones, you can now search those repositories directly through This so let’s say I’m looking for another browser, so I want to install Firefox.

Let’S use my voice and say Firefox click on next. This Now searches all of the supported repositories and shows me, whichever ones are hosting the Firefox application. So here, for example, we can see we have the version of Firefox version 11630, so I can now click on install app. Let’S click on that.

This will now connect to that Source. Repository it’ll then download the APK for Firefox and give me the option to install a give that a second. Sometimes people are concerned that how can I trust this random website? Because the concern is, if you are downloading applications from different websites, then how can you be sure that the website is safe? The application doesn’t have any viruses or any malware or anything malicious.

How can you be sure, whereas from this process you are pulling applications from trusted repositories? So you know these applications are safe. Okay, so now we’ve got Firefox. I can press the home key.

I can go to my applications and we can see now guys literally in one click, we’ve downloaded the latest version of Firefox directly into my Amazon Fire TV Cube, so super easy to use and again a great and safe way for you to find applications that you Can pull directly from these safe repositories and install them directly onto your device? Then you have updates. So this is really the key part of APK updater, where it does a scan of your device, and it shows you updates, which are available, and the key thing to understand here is you see the icon on the bottom left under each card? That shows you where the update is available. So this one here, for example, is F Droid uh this one on the right is Aptoide and the last one is there is Aptoide as well. I’M not sure what this one is, but – and this just shows you where the update is coming from now. If I try this one here, because I’m running the Aurora store version 4.2, but it shows that 4.3 is available.

I can click on install and again guys. You can see no missing about no typing in URLs, no browsing websites, no navigating through 10 pages, literally just do a scan, find what’s available. One click and your device is now running the latest version of whichever application you have and you can see once it’s installed. It removes it from the list because it now knows that you’re running the latest version.

Let me take you over to the settings. For example, we can see, APK mirror is disabled by default, and this is something that was a manual thing you have to do on the previous version. If you didn’t do that, you may see updates from APK mirror, but you can’t actually install them on Amazon devices because there’s no built-in browser with a download feature.

So we can see that repository is now disabled. You have GitHub, which is okay, there’s F, Droid Aptoide is okay and you can also try APK pure as long as it doesn’t require a browser. So the main ones to enable are just these ones, which are actually enabled by a default, which is fine. You can scroll down. You can change the theme. So if you’re looking for a Docker theme for the application, you can enable that which that looks quite nice. So let’s leave that on keep scrolling down. Now, if you have root on your device, which in most cases you’re not going to have on these Amazon devices, you could turn that on and here, for example, these two options or these three options just basically ensures that if there’s a beta version or an alpha Version, you don’t want to see it because you just want to see a official or fully released versions, and this last one which is use safe stores, is also recommended option because it just means that verified trusted stores are the ones that will be listed and you’ll See applications from those ones not sure why the alarm clocks in here maybe is to remind you to go and check for updates and that’s all of the the settings. So you can see guys super easy to use, and you can literally now go ahead and update all of your applications with one click, so do give a thumbs up for that now to get this latest version of all of your devices, all you want to do Is press the home key, let’s now open up downloader, and we can now make a quick connection to my website, which is just techdoctoruk.com or you can always type in this short code, which is just 534 zero. Two, let’s type that in and click on, go now.

When you get to myself you head over to the hamburger menu, which is one of the three lines, let’s click on that click on tutorials, as you see quite near the top, we’ll have APK updater, so one click update. All of your third-party applications works great both on Amazon devices and also Android TV. Let’S click on that here.

We can see some of the repositories you can scroll down and when the time this video goes out, this beta version will be updated and you’ll actually see the latest version which, at the time of recording, is actually version. 3.0.1 get that version, and you can now go ahead and easily update all of your favorite third-party applications with one click. Just before you go guys a quick word from one of our partners right now, there’s a special offer from ipvanish. You can get a huge discount where you get that total protection for unlimited devices, so it doesn’t matter. If you have a few Fire Sticks or 10 Android TVs or three laptops.

All of your devices can be protected with a single license. You can then change your IP address. You can access geolocked content and really just protect your privacy, whilst using all of your devices to get all of that with really fast speeds at just over three dollars a month. I do think this special offer is definitely worthwhile.

Checking out do have a look in the video description and pin the comment. If you want to take up this special offer, do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon. Thanks .