Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴CAN THIS NEW TV BOX BEAT NVIDIA SHIELD PRO ?”.
So in the right corner we have the Undisputed champion heavyweight champion of the streaming World, which is the Nvidia Shi Pro. In the left side, we’ve got this new Contender: the G1 Android TV box from kinh Han. So first question: how are the Wi-Fi speeds between the two devices? Well, if I just start this on the Nvidia Shield Pro, which is connected to 5 GHz, Wi-Fi has a download speed of just over 400 Meg Downstream and let’s now try the new box and, let’s see what we get in test number one. This box is also next to me and we can see in this box on test number one gets a speed of over 6 60 Meg Downstream and obviously there is a caveat because I’m sure you guys know the Nvidia Shi Pro does actually support. Gigabit Ethernet and I will do an Ethernet test in just a second. Let’S now do test number one over ethernet with that dedic ated, gigabit Port gets download speeds of over 920 Meg Downstream. So super fast gigabit, solid connection, won’t have any issues with what you’d get on a typical Wi-Fi connection with interference with distance.

Nothing beats a solid, hard wide connection and if I now tried the same test on the G1 and because of the 100m port, we can see this one gets completely destroyed by the Nvidia Shield. If you’re talking about a C wide connection now this was one of the questions I received on my last video or when I created that Community post asking you guys what questions did you have about this new G1 Android TV device and I’m also going to share The competition details on how you can win this new G1 Android TV box, a worldwide competition, so make sure you watch this video to the end. The next one we have is from uh Jacobs 1259, who says, I think, for a few dollars more.

The Shield is a better option on a serious note. You can’t really compare this $ 100 device to the Nvidia Shi Pro, because the Nvidia Shi Pro is designed at the upper end of the streaming Market. You know has a very good uh CPU has a superb GPU you. If you’re interested in emulation or gaming, there really is nothing better or nothing like it has. Gigabit Ethernet has multiple USB 3 ports.

It is, I would say, in a separate class this one. The G1, I would say, is like a mid tier youan, know mid-range $ 100 Android TV box, and at that price point I do think it’s a very, very good option. Next up, we have a question from Rob who’s asking what are the specs of this box and is there any updates available after purchasing a now? That’S a great question because one of the concern is when you buy, like a you, know, an unknown or not super well-known branded box. What is the guarantee that you’ll get some updates with this box? Well, I did double check with the vendor and they did confirm that you will get software updates with this, and even if we look on the actual box, we can see if we navigate over to to the settings, I can go over to where it says: device Preferences click on that click on about, and there is a system update section here and if there was an update, you would get this update over the year but as of today as of Sunday, there’s no updates available. But it is a very good question now in terms of specs, which I did actually share. In the last video says, the kinh G1 box has uh the s905 X4 system on chair, which is a quadcore CPU. With this Mal g31 GPU has 4 gigs Ram 32 gig storage. Over here we can see it runs Android TV version 11 and it has all of the certifications for Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, Netflix 4K Prime video 4K supports hdr10 and hdr10 plus. Next up. We have a question from David who’s asking what standout features does this box have over the 4K fire stick or that the fire stick doesn’t um I’d say like the full sizee USB port s are always a great addition, because it means obviously you can plug in Your standard preferral USB keyboards mice, but it also means you can plug in a normal USB stick and very easily expand the storage.

It also does have that ethernet port, even though it is limited to 100 Meg. In many cases, if Wi-Fi is patchy, if Wi-Fi is too far away, having a solid wide connection always wins next up, we have a question from isma who’s asking. How would I compare this box to the old Amazon, 4K F TV? That was the original Fire TV, which was a beast in its time. It had ethernet port, it had a USB port, it had micro SD card slw, it had really really fast CPU.

It was phenomenal. The only big – and I mean really big issue – is the fact that, because Amazon, never in the history ever changed the operating system from one Android version to another, that device is still locked into fire OS 5, which is Android, 5 or 5.1, so trying to run Applications on Android 5.1, especially newer, more modern applications, would be pretty Impossible on a device, that’s old as that. So, even though the device is still very very good if you’re looking for something a bit more recent with more later security updates, I would suggest moving away from Android 5. The next question, which was asked by a number of people, is how do you get this box in the UK, because when you click on the link, the link I shared previously, it comes up as this uh top Zu box, which is a slight rebranding. It is definitely the same box, and this was the link that the vendor gave me. You just have to click on, see all buying options, and then you have the option to add it to basket here. You can also click on the 8 % discount code, and this is really the best and quickest way to get this box in the UK. The next question is not really related to the G1, but they’re asking.

How long do I think it will take for Amazon to completely lock up side loading on okay, so I’ll say this again, I’ve said it a few times: 100 %. I don’t believe ever. Amazon will block block side. Loading, in fact, just make a note of this video and then definitely come back to me in the future.


If it does happen, because I really can’t see how they would block anything like that, because even just to develop applications, you have to have side loading, because when I developed the tduk app killer or the cache cleaner, I had to keep on Sid loading the application To my device, so I could test it, so I could look for bugs all that kind of stuff. If side loading was disabled and the only way you could install applications was from the official Amazon app store, then that process would be compl completely impossible for developers. So I would say that side loading is definitely here to stay. Next question we have is: does a device have the UK Suite of TV applications available in the App Store like ITV bbci player? That’S a great question. So let’s check that in real time.


So if I go over to uh the Play Store and let’s see if I search for um – let’s start with ITV TV – we can see the ITV both this application and this one are available. Let’S now try BBC I player okay, so I can’t see BBC I player available directly in the Google Play Store, so potentially that could be side loaded, but definitely, if you’re looking for something that’s actually already inside the play store. That is not there.


Next up we have a question from Kev, which is: is this a spyware or malware box, or can it be trusted how’s? The brand um I mean the brand kinh Han has been around for a long time. I’Ve actually reviewed some of their retro console the Retro hard drives some of the other Retro Gaming type stuff before and I’ve never had any issues with it. Also in my home network, I do actually monitor all traffic. I’Ve not personally noticed anything of concern or my device is doing something funny or my device is acting up.

Nothing has happened over the last few weeks whilst I’ve been testing this device. Of course, there are many people who will say that I’ll only buy a box or a stick if it’s been a branded with Amazon or branded from Roku or branded from Apple or the other known established manufacturers. And if that’s the case, then clearly, this box is not for you.

Next up, we have a question from shink asking sponsored content uh. No, so sponsored content is typically where a vendor or a company will reach out to you asking. Can you review our product or our service in exchange for money? In this case, no money was exchanged. It’S only when I saw the specs off the box and the price point. I knew that you guys would be interested in a box like that.

I just ask them to send me a few boxes, so I can then use them for a future giveaway. Next up, we have a question from Scott who’s: asking does Android 11 run in 64-bit mode, as the onbox has 64-bit processor, but runs in okay. So understand the question, so these CPUs are 64-bit typically, but the operating system installed, for example, may only be 32bit. For example, all of the five sticks – F, TVs, F TV cubes. They all run in 32-bit mode, and we can see here if I just open this up, go over to the CPU. We can see this one also is running in 32-bit mode, which means, if you have an application which is 64-bit only like, for example, some emulators like mopin, which is a Nintendo 64-bit emulator, that one can only run on a 64-bit OS. So if you want to use that application clearly, this box is not for you, okay. So how can you enter the competition to win this box? I’Ve actually got two to give away and it is a worldwide competition.

So as long as you have a an address I’ll be able to get this box over to you, all you need to do is just head over to my website, which is tech.com click on what it says. Competition here you’ll see some screenshots or some pictures about the Box. What it looks like the ports here, for example, you’ll see Netflix. We can see it does say here: 4K WBY vision is there and when you try to play, you can see Dolby vision and Dolby audio comes through and similarly over on uh Amazon. Prime again we can see UHD HDR. So definitely the certifications are working correctly and then also even in Disney plus keep scrolling down, and then you have the entry options here. So you can see you can enter with YouTube. The YouTube policies have been changed now, so you can’t actually um set the option to be.

You have to be a subscriber, so you can just log in with YouTube and that counts as one entry. You can also follow me on Twitter. If you want to do that for another entry, you can come back for a daily bonus entry to increase your chances and if you retweet this tweet on Twitter, you get another entry. So lots of ways for you to maximize your chances.

The competition will end on the last day of February, where I’ll pick two winners and I’ll get these boxes shipped out to you. If you want the Box straight away, you can purchase it directly from Amazon, UK and Amazon USA and also from the kinh Han website. I will also leave those links in the description and the pinned comment really appreciate your support and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon. Thanks .