Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴BIGGEST STREAMING APP IS BACK (NO VPN!)”.
This really is the streaming app you’re looking for we’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of live TV channels, premium channels, we’re talking about thousands and thousands of movies. Thousands and thousands of TV shows, but we’re also saying no registration, no login, no adverts and even no VPN. Now this application is absolutely free, it was updated in the last few days and with this latest version you really can enjoy some of the best free streaming content available for your Amazon devices available for your Android TV and when you see some of the content in Here I’m sure you’ll be impressed. All you need to do is just hit that, like button make sure you hit that subscribe button. So with all of that being said, let’s get if you’re new to the channel and you want to stay up to date with the latest tech tutorials. The latest fire stick Android and Android TV tips and tricks then, and please do subscribe and hit the like button. It’S a small click from you, but it makes a big difference to me.
Thank you now, as you guys know, I’m based in the UK and the reason why that’s important is typically for these official streaming applications. They do require you to have some kind of USA. Ip address, but this application this special version of this application. As you can see, I can start the app and it takes me straight into this – fully working EPG, which is the electronic program guide and as of August 2023, there are more than 300 channels in this application.
So really, when you go through the content here, we can see some of the recommended channels and again with that fully working program guide. I can see exactly what’s on now. What’S coming up next, we can also add channels into our favorites. So first we have the recommended channels, then keep scrolling down. We have the local news channels here, for example, for a quick test we can see. This is uh the count, and if you leave the channel selected, you can see you get a small summary about what the channel is or what the channel is currently showing, and we can see right now.
This is showing Insight from newsmakers and experts give that a second and as this is a live broadcast, we are taken directly into that channel. That’S working great! Now, when you’re inside the channel, you can press the down on your remote. This will then show you more information about the channel whereabouts. You are in the broadcast and you press down again.
You can then see related channels to the one that you’re currently watching and if you press down one more time, you’re then taken back to your fully working program guide. Now we can see uh weather channels. We can see movie channels, lots and lots of those. We can see westerns and Country, I’m just whizzing through them now just to show you the sheer volume of content.
That’S in this application now we can see lots and lots of sports channels. Here, for example, we have superhumans. So that’s in the sports uh. Then we’ve got a Combat Sports.
That is a dedicated section for that. With some boxing TV with some MMA with some UFC, then you have Crime, TV action and drama, comedy lots and lots of those channels, horror and sci-fi nature and Wildlife, Home and Design I’ll. Just do one more for a quick test and we have game shows here. For example, we have a family feud episode, 3 click on that and in a couple of seconds once again, without those pesky interruptions without those annoying pop-ups.
We are straight into that content. Let’S press back just a superb list of great channels, all the different categories that you could possibly want. Okay, let’s press back! I can now go to the movie section and we now have a massive library of movies again all properly categorized. So I can scroll on the left, if I’m only looking for um, sci-fi and fantasy click on that. This will then filter out the content. Here, for example, we can see Andromeda click on play and again in a couple of seconds without anything interrupting you without anything. Coming on the screen, we are taken directly into that movie and that’s working great.
I can even afford that a bit press play again and that really is the beauty with official streaming applications, because they’re official they are fully licensed. They have the back-end infrastructure, which means we can all enjoy this content without any kind of buffering without any kind of lag. That really is a fantastic HD picture. Let’S go back so overall guys, I would say, Zuma play. The special version really is a fantastic application.
If you are looking for an official application, if you are looking for something that doesn’t require any kind of VPN, it doesn’t require any kind of registration and doesn’t have any adverts. I would definitely recommend checking out this application. Now you can open up downloader or any browser that you like inside downloader, you can type in the short code 53402 or you can just type in the whole address which is just techdoctoruk.com and I’ll. Take you directly to my website so again, five, three, four: zero.
Two type that in and click on go now when you get to myself head over to the hamburger menu, which is one of the three lines. Click on that click on tutorials and the latest tutorial in the list will be how you can get this new version of, or special version of Zumo play. Let’S open that up here, we are so Zoomer play. First and foremost, 100 legal and official lots of great content keep scrolling down and there is a link to the latest version of this application. So I can click on that scroll down and looking for this green download button, click on that and you’ll download the latest version directly onto your device, and this special version as you’ve seen today, really is definitely worthwhile checking out and another thing that is special is This really amazing offer just for the month of August, where you can get Total Protection for all of your devices. Your Fire Sticks, Android, TVs, Windows, phones, laptops computers, all devices covered with maximum speed change.
Your IP address change, your virtual location access. All of your streaming applications from any virtual location to get all of that with this new special price at under three dollars a month. I think this offer is definitely worthwhile checking out.
It does help support the channel. So many thanks, if you want to do that, do have a look in the video description and the pinned comment for the best discount code. Do leave me a comment below.
Let me know what you think about this video and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .