Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴BEST APK FOR FIRESTICK 2024 (#1)”.
Now, if you are somebody that loves to sideload thirdparty applications on your fire, stick Fire TV, Android TV device, probably the biggest challenge that you have is. How can I ensure that my application is running the latest version of the application? Maybe you installed it a couple of weeks ago, but you have no real way of checking if there’s a new update available, unless you start checking all of the websites you download from all of the third party repositories you download from it does become a long-winded process. Now imagine you could install a application on your device. This application will go ahead and do all of that searching all of that scanning for you and if there is a new version available, you’ll get a oneclick button to download and install that directly onto your device. All you need to do is just hit that, like button make sure you hit that subscribe button.

So with all of that being said, let’s, if you’re new to the channel – and you want to stay up to date with the latest tech tutorials, the latest fire stick. Android and Android TV tips and tricks, then please do subscribe and hit the like button if it’s a small click from you, but it makes a big difference to me. Thank you. Now. This application is the latest version of APK update and this application was only updated.


A few days ago and this video is been recorded on the 3rd of February, so let’s open that up now the application has a very nice clean layout when you start it for the first time. The first thing it does is it does a complete scan of all of the applications on your device, and then it shows you if it’s found any updates. Now before we start looking at the updates. The first thing I recommend you doing is clicking on the settings on the bottom right. So let’s go down to that uh keepy, pressing down or hold down down on the remote.


Let’S go over to the settings here, for example, we can go through some of these options here, so we’ll leave the first two options enabled which is Android TV and play text animations here you can choose if you want to use a light theme or a dark Theme, let’s go for light now. This is the key part where you have to basically choose which repositories you want to use, because the application will automatically check these repositories and let you know if there is an update available now. Probably the biggest repositories that we can use on. The Amazon devices are FID, uh, GitHub and also Apptoid TV. I think Apptoid TV is probably the largest repository now. The reason why I don’t recommend you turn on APK mirror, because APK mirror tries to use the default browser to download and on the Amazon devices.


As there’s no default browser built in you can’t use that so make sure you’ve turned off APK mirror like this, but the rest of them. I think you can leave as default. The root install will leave off unless you have actually rooted your device. Now.

The alpha and beta or beta is basically do you want to install early releases of software so generally for most people we’ll leave these, as on so it’ll ignore those updates, and I do recommend for appto TV, we have enabled the option to use the safe stores. So obviously app to TV is a massive repository. I think they have a couple of hundred thousand applications just to make sure that there’s nothing malicious or nothing problematic.

It is recommended that you choose the trusted store. So, let’s leave that on now to this day, I’ve never worked out. Why there’s a built-in alarm clock in this application, but maybe the developer was thinking. People need um, some help with that. So that’s there. Let’S leave the rest, as is let’s now, click on updates. Okay, so we can see now straight away. This application has identified multiple applications or my device that have updates available. Let’S get down in the list here here, for example, we can see that I’m running version 1.51 of button mapper, but it’s actually a 3.20 version out.

So how do I get it? Well, all I need to do is click on install app and we can see on the left there that icon there was the Apptoid repository icon. So this application was now pulled down directly from Apptoy TV, and we can see in less than a few seconds. We now have the lat, lest version prompting us to install, so I can click on install give that a second and less than five for 321. It says the latest version of button mappa has now been installed and it really is as easy as that.

Now, let’s do uh a few more for a test now for the standard uh applications you typically get directly from the Amazon app store. I would recommend updating them directly from Amazon, because sometimes there are slight variation differences from Amazon versus Android TV, but generally for the other applications. You really can go ahead and update them with one click here on the right we can see. We have the project IV launcher I’m running version, uh 4.24, but 4.36 is now available and again with that icon there we can see. This version is being uh shared through appto TV. So again I can click on install app there.

We are, let’s click on that. Give that a second it makes that connection it downloads. The latest update now can now click on install and we should now have version 4.36 once that finishes, and it says that’s now installed and you can see when it installs it. It removes it from the list because the update is now completed and you know you’re running the latest version of the application now just for a quickness, let’s actually open that up, just to make sure that it’s not just installing it, but we can actually use these Updated applications here, for example, is Project Ivy. So let’s click on that give that a second we are straight in there. We can now see all of my applications.

If I go to the settings uh, if I can go down into uh about and there we can see it guys so version 4.36, just to confirm that we did download the latest version and that’s working absolutely fine. That’S great! Let’S press home! The other great feature of APK updator is not only can you update applications you have already installed on your device. You can also search safe repositories for other applications. So let’s go down into search. Let’S click on that.

Let’S say I’m looking for VLC now. Vc is a very popular media player. Lots of places have it lots of websites have it, but how can you be fully sure that the place where you download it from is fully trustworthy? Well here, if I search for VLC, let’s go to next give that a second – and this is now searching all of those repositories for VLC or applications like VLC, and it tells you exactly which repository has them.

So let’s go down here, we can see we have uh VLC for uh Android, and that again is on the Apptoid TV repository, which you know is a trustworthy repository. So I can click on that. Give it that a second click on install that should now download the latest version of VC. Give me one click to install it, and we can see VC for Android is now installed so really using the search feature. You can go ahead and find all all the applications you’re looking for and install them from safe repository.

So that’s the application there now to get the latest version on your device just head over to downloader. Let’S open that up, we now can make a quick connection to my website, which is just tech.com or you can type in the short code, 534, 02 and let’s click on go, and this will take you directly to my website now, when you get to my side Here over to the hamburger menu, which is one with the three lines, click on that click on to tutorials and the latest tutorial in the list will be how you can get this updated version of APK updator. Let’S open that up here, we are so APK update, open source tool simplifies the process of finding all the updates for all your applications also has that amazing search feature keep scrolling down.

You have the stepbystep instructions here, underneath all of that we’ll have a single link to download the latest version as of February 2024. So here we are: let’s click on that scroll, scr down and you’re. Looking for the green download button, click on that, and this will download the latest version directly on your device. So that’s pretty much of this video guys.

Many thanks for watching. I do think this is a fantastic application for the people that love side side, loading installing applications from websites other repositories, and it really is the best and easiest way to ensure that all those applications are kept up to date. Do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .